中文版ACEI website

Lastest introduction is here: http://matdem.com/content/?906.html   

Using innovative GPU matrix calculation method and 3D contact algorithm, MatDEM realizes 15 million 3D element motion calculations per second (where in 2D is 40 million elements), and the number and calculation speed of calculation element are more than 30 times that of foreign commercial software (3 million 3D elements, and 10 million 2D elements). The software implements automatic packing modeling, assigning materials by layer, settings of joint surface and load, rich post-processing functions and secondary development. Graduate students can complete large-scale discrete element simulation of geology and geotechnical engineering through simple learning.

At present, MatDEM software mainly includes the following two modules:

A system module. 1) The main program. Run the secondary development code and view the simulation parameters; 2) Post-processing. Automatic generation of various field maps, process curves and simulation animations; 3) materials. Automatically train discrete element materials with specific mechanical properties.

B application module. Include modeling examples of various geological and geotechnical problems, and secondary development code in the example can be modified to create a new numerical model. The landslide example and the discrete element laboratory example have formed a window interface. With the development of MatDEM, new modules will be added to meet the needs of various complex engineering applications.

Software download can be found at:http://matdem.com/content/?594.html

The published papers by using the software:http://matdem.com/content/?593.html

Software tutorial:http://matdem.com/content/?569.html


MatDEM provides native language support since version 1.3. Based on visit data in website, the software is available in Chinese, English, Spanish, German, French and Japanese. Languages can be switched while the program is running, without having to reinstall MatDEM. Help files are available in Chinese and English.


The English meaning of the Matrix Discrete Element MatDEM software is Fast GPU Matrix computing of Discrete Element Method. The software name takes its core Mat and DEM, which is the Matrix Discrete Element MatDEM. MatDEM is fast based on the matrix discrete element method, which is the basis and core of the whole software. This is also the origin of the software logo. The square grid of the logo background represents the matrix calculation and the matrix calculation core of the GPU. The middle is the three representative letters DEM of the discrete element, where the DM is converted into two small balls, which are connected by E spring. The three letters of DEM constitute the simplest tangential spring contact of the discrete element. The overall color uses technology blue to represent GPU high performance of computing. The entire logo embodies the meaning of matrix discrete element GPU with high-performance computing.

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