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Simulation of hourglass and sand failure

An hourglass example user_LineModel has been added to MatDEM 1.82. This example uses lines to model and it automatically record the forces on the left and right walls of the hourglass. Using a P51 laptop, the simulation took 18 minutes and simulated the real world for 3.564 seconds.

Using the Tesla P100 GPU to calculate, it took 14 hours to simulate the fall of 252,000 sand.

The getGroupForce function has been added to MatDEM 1.83 to obtain the force of the group and generate a force curve. For details, see the LineModel example in the software. The following figure shows the stress curve of the left and right components.


The idea of this example can be used for simulation of processes such as underground roadway sand failure, as shown below (application case provided by China University of Mining and Technology)

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