中文版ACEI website

Making soil-rock mixture (pillar block accumulation)

MatDEM1.791 updated the example user_Columns example, which demonstrates the mixed modeling of columns and particles, which can be used to build soil-rock mixture models. At the same time, it can also simulate the accumulation of cylindrical bodies (used in the chemical industry), with about 100 lines of code. The cylinder is generated by the function and imported into the calculation model. The cubic model has a side length of 0.6m, a cell radius of 2.5mm, a cylinder diameter of 20mm, and a height of 30mm, including 4096 cylinders. At the same time, update the mixGroupId function in the fun folder to randomly set the group number of the clump. When using the d.show ('groupId') command, the results will be displayed in the following random mixed colors.

The total number of simulation units for column stacking is 660,000 (set isSample = 0). The Tesla P100 calculation card is used. The simulation takes 20 hours and the real world simulation is 0.56 seconds. Corresponding teaching videos can be obtained in the online course QQ group (668903775)

The total number of soil-rock mixture modeling units is 2 million (set isSample = 1), and the accumulation modeling takes 12 hours.

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