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MatDEM Software Helps Analysis and Assessment of Geological Hazards on Sichuan-Tibet Railway

The MatDEM team of Nanjing University and the Institute of Geomechanics have jointly developed and based on the autonomous MatDEM1.60 computing platform, which encapsulates the "Western Sichuan-Tibet Eastern Deep Creep Landslide Analysis System 1.0", which has been successfully applied to a major potential landslide on the Sichuan-Tibet Railway Disaster effect analysis and assessment. Relevant achievements have recently passed the acceptance of experts. The system provides efficient analysis technology for the evaluation of the impact of the Sichuan-Tibet Railway line landslide disaster on railway engineering.

Figure1 Packaged Software: Using Digital Elevation Data to Generate 3D Discrete Element Models

Figure2 Packaged software: 3D landslide numerical simulation

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