中文版ACEI website

Dr. Wang Lige, Technical Consultant of Process System Enterprise, UK came to visit

On June 18, 2019, at the invitation of Associate Professor Liu Chun, Dr. Wang Lige, Technical Consultant of Process System Enterprise in the UK, visited and made a report. He briefly described the application of particle systems in many modern industrial fields such as geotechnical, mining, chemical, pharmaceutical, marine and aerospace.



Mr. Wang introduced the wide application of digital twinning technology in multi-phase and multi-scale particle systems, and proposed a universally applicable particle system coupling simulation framework based on discrete element method, community balance model and computational fluid dynamics. The particle system simulation framework have been successfully applied to the optimization and design of various industrial systems such as particle grinding, ore mining, hydraulic fracturing, shield excavation and intelligent manufacturing.

After the report, Mr. Wang proposed the superiority of MatDEM in terms of calculation speed and efficiency, and introduced the development and characteristics of EDEM. He hopes that cooperation and exchange will be strengthened to promote the application of discrete element method in various fields and serve the needs of the country.

Written by: Yang Xiaowei

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