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Dr. Cui Liang from the University of Surrey in the United Kingdom, came to visit

On May 10, 2019, Dr. Cui Liang from the University of Surrey in the United Kingdom, Dr. Liu Junwei from Qingdao University of Technology, and Dr. Xu Longfei visited Nanjing University. Dr. Cui Liang introduced the application of discrete element numerical simulation in the long-term performance prediction of offshore wind turbine pile foundation in detail.


Figure Dr. Cui Liang introduced the application of discrete element numerical simulation in long-term performance prediction of offshore wind turbine pile foundation.

In the report of the meeting, Dr. Cui pointed out some difficulties in the current simulation of offshore wind turbine pile foundation research using the commonly used discrete element numerical simulation software. It mainly includes: 1) The numerical simulation model has a large scale, and the commonly used discrete element numerical simulation software takes too long to calculate; 2) the wind turbine is complicated in force and difficult to model.

After the report, the teachers and students exchanged ideas on how to use MatDEM to solve such problems, as well as the details of modeling and simulation. The tested MatDEM is computationally efficient and can perform numerical simulations of this magnitude in a relatively short period of time. This exchange laid a good foundation for the application of MatDEM in related fields such as marine engineering construction.

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