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More efficient, MatDEM_v1.42!

MatDEM_v1.42 (and further versions) is much more efficient than any previous versions. Based on innovative Matrix Discrete Element Theory, the speed of version 1.42 is about 3 times of the 1.32. The lastest MatDEM can be downloaded from:


On the basis of MatDEM_v1.4, MatDEM_v1.42 has made a comprehensive optimization of the pre-processing, the initial modeling speed increased 20 times to achieve rapid construction of the initial model. This version also optimizes the 3D numerical simulation of landslides, and its modeling and calculation speed has been significantly improved. Two years ago, it took me nearly a month to complete a 3D discrete element numerical simulation of a landslide in Mao County. Each numerical calculation took several days. Now, by setting up digital elevation data and Mechanical Properties of rock and soil, it is possible to quickly model and complete the 3D discrete element numerical simulation of landslide with hundreds of thousands of elements in several hours.

To accommodate the GPU update, starting with MatDEM_v1.42, the new compiler will need to be downloaded to install running environment of Matlab R2019a

Note: MatDEM_v1.42  is a beta version.

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