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Rencent Shuicheng landslide

    Based on the digital elevation data before and after the landslide, the 3D dem model of the slope is established by improving Matdem 3DSlope sample code. After optimized cutting, the final model contains 640,000 units, including 140,000 active units, the average unit radius is 1.75 meters. The simulation took 22 hours and 70 seconds in the real world.

    On July 26,2010, the site of a landslide in Chagou formation, Pingdi village, Jichang town, Shuicheng County, Liupanshui, Guizhou Province, was photographed by a drone. Xinhua map


    Energy Conversion Diagram in landslide process. As can be seen from the Energy Conversion chart, the kinetic Energy reaches its maximum value at 30-40 seconds, which is equivalent to the maximum landslide speed. At 70 seconds, the kinetic energy of the landslide tends to zero, while the gravitational potential energy is still decreasing, which indicates that the particles on the landslide surface are still in local motion.


    Thanks to the 3DSlope example code for landslide elevation data from the China Earthquake Administration, which is included in the Matdem package, see the instructional video and monograph for details.

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